On this page you can view all the modifications that have been made to the software since the previous version (Changelog 0.1.0)

Changes history

Type Date Description Link
Dev -/02/2015 First design of RconInvolved main window N/A
Dev -/02/2015 Add localisations for english and french N/A
Dev -/02/2015 Load and store Application configuration from config File N/A


Type Legend

Dev This represents a major evolution in the development of the application, possibly without revert-compatibility

Added A new features for the application

Test A new feature, introduce as a proof of concept and not really for whole scale production

Rework Rework of an existing feature or some functionnality to improve it.

Fix Fix a bug that have been reported or found

Critical Fix Fix a critical bug that can produce dysfunctions or fatal crash in the software.